KZG Announces The “World’s Top 100 Clubfitters” For 2013

NORTH HOLLYWOOD, California (Jan. 14, 2013) – KZG, the #1 Custom ProLine, is pleased to announce the “World’s Top 100 ClubFitters” for 2013. Each year KZG honors 100 professionals possessing superior skill, integrity and passion for clubfitting. This is the eighth year in a row that KZG has honored the elite of the industry’s clubfitters.
“Reports indicate that 92% of all golfers are still playing ill-fitting clubs, a true embarrassment for our industry” states Jennifer King, President of KZG. “Industry experts agree there are only 500 qualified professional fitters in the entire world, far too few to service the golfing public. For golfers, it is ‘buyers beware’ as tens of thousands claim to be professional fitters yet clearly are not qualified. The ‘Top 100’ List is a great place to start to assure a fitting that can guarantee true improvement in the golfer’s game.” The 2013 Honorees take the time to learn about the golfer’s game, goals and expectations. The Top 100 are experienced in analyzing launch monitor statistics, they understand the differences in design features and manufacturing processes and are able to select the perfect clubhead and shaft for optimum performance. Their primary goal is for the golfer to improve, not profits.
This year’s honorees hail from 20 countries around the world, including 38 from the UK/Europe, 38 from the United States, 13 from Canada, 5 from Asia, 4 from Australia and 2 from South Africa. Winners range from small shops serving rural areas to large performance centers with multiple fitters and instructors. All share a passion in helping golfers.
World’s Top 100 Clubfitters 2013
United States
Alaska: John Gose, Full Swing Golf of Alaska.
California: Kyle Cullum, No Bogeys Golf; Darby Feiler, No Bogeys Golf;
Mike Keener, Marc’s Golf Service; Sam Goulden, Sam Goulden Golf.
Colorado: Bryan “Buddy” Beem, Colorado Custom Golf; Dan Holtman, Striker Golf (Colorado Custom).
Florida: Jeff Parrot, Golf Provisions; Mel Juhl, Golf Provisions; Josh Lubbers, Josh Musselman’s; Josh Musselman, Josh Musselman’s; Mike Girard, Tree Tops Golf; Juan Gomez, Prestige Golf.
Iowa: Chris Larson, The Clubhouse Custom Clubs.
Kansas: Mike Dickerson, Golf MD; John Mitchell, Golf MD.
North Carolina: Kelly York, Kelly’s Custom Golf; Karl Seibel, Golf Etc Tech Studio; Curtis Eudy, Leatherman Golf Learning Center.
New Hampshire: Ken Collins, Kustom Clubs Fitting Center.
New Jersey: Bernie Dunn, Bernie Dunn Custom Clubs.
New York: Paul Sanders, Ravenwood Golf Academy.
Ohio: Dave Freed, DV Golf/Akron Golf Clubs; Bill Kumle, Rolandia Golf Center; Kirby Bolen, Golf Stix; Larry Baldridge, Mitchell Golf Equipment.
Oregon: Jari Hakonen, Birdie Finish Golf.
Pennsylvania: Jerry Hintze, The Clubmakers Shop; Bob Erickson, Golf Augusta; Aaron Genton, Common Sense Golfer.
South Carolina: Doc Griffin, Golf Stop @ Riverside.
Tennessee: Steve Kirkpatrick, Golf Rx (Steve was the founder and original owner of Golf Rx).
Texas: David Weikman, Advantage Fore Golf; Tim Brantley, The Golf Station; Neal Blanchard, The Golf Station; Robin Mcgowan, The Golf Station; Mike Nugent, Impact Golf & Racket.
Virginia: Ed Teer, Ed Teer Golf Academy.
NSW: Jeff Mansfield, Jeff Mansfield Golf; Graeme Trew, Murwillumbah Golf Academy.
Perth: Stephen Herbert, Royal Fremantle Pro Shop; Greg Ashton, Ashton Enterprises.
Europe and UK
Austria: Davis Lauss, Golfclub Ottenstein; Manfred Capelli, Capelli Golf; Gerry Fiechtl, GF Clubmaking.
Belgium: Vincent Willems, Golf Centrum Puurs NV; Eddy Pelgrims, Golf Fitting Studio.
England: Gene Fulton, Corporate Golf Company; Nevil Bland, Brocton Hall Golf Club; Gary Mills, Hedge End Golf Centre; Matt Pearson, Performance Fitting Centre.
France: Laurent Rueff, GOLforU; Arnaud Smaghe, Gard & Golf; Marc Brossard, MB Clubs; Alexandre D’Incau, Pro Clubmaker; Jean-Michel Queva, Queva Clubfitting; Olivier Chalon, C.O. Golf; Frans van Daalen, ClubFitter 73.
Germany: Gerald Friz, Golf+IT; Karlheinz Palm, Nostratec Golf Service Center; Alistair Grandison, Bob and Son GmbH; Joerg von der Gathen, Club Align Golf; Richard Phillips, Golf Gleidingen.
Italy: Gabriele Sorbara, Clubfitting di Gabriele Sorbara.
Netherlands: Theo Erben, FATco Golfclubs; Elvin Muller, Quality Golfshop & Fittingcentrum; Henk Kroeke, Quality Golfshop & Fittingcentrum; Brian Griffiths, Golf Academy Brian Griffiths; Marcel de Jager, Golfhunter.
Spain: Agustin Sanchez, Golfinteligente; Juan Carlos Diaz, Golf Planet.
Sweden: John Ahlblom, Golfakademin i Uppsala AB; Johanna Pyk-JargÅrd, Johanna’s Golfshop; Breit Olsson, Brejans AB; Marten Nord, JN Utbildining & Utveckling.
Switzerland: Norbert Studer, R & L Custom Golf Clubfitting; Willi Vogt, R & L Custom Golf Clubfitting; Giuseppe Naula, Pepe’s Golf Clinic.
Scotland: Scott Gourlay, Craigmillar Park Golf Club; Ed Robertson, Applied Golf Technology.
Alberta: Lyle Helland, Simply Golf; Rick McKenzie, Alberta Golf Works; Jordy McKenzie, Alberta Golf Works.
BC: Terry Stav, Golf West; Lionel Newton, Newton’s Law Golf; Paul Wammer, Camber Golf; Chris Knight, Vista Ridge Golf.
Nova Scotia: Robert Spicer, RJS Custom Clubs.
Ontario: Eldon Campbell, Campbells Custom Clubs; Jason Faubert, The Golfer’s Academy; Rene Grandmaison, Grand Lynx Golf Centre; Don Irving, Artisan Golf Co.
Quebec: Bert Emond, Golf Price Canada.
Malaysia: Alistair Guthrie, The Old Clubhouse.
Philippines: Jake Ong, Custom Clubmakers Int’l; Francis Go, Custom Clubmakers Int’l.
Singapore: Khee Wei Seow, Wiz Golf.
South Korea: Brian Choi, Tayoon Golf.
South Africa: Warren Lake, Golf Science; Regardt van Rooyen, Golf Science.
An independent panel of industry experts determined the criteria necessary to be considered a top clubfitting professional. From the criteria submitted, a point system was put into place to grade each application. The panel included Clay Long, renowned club designer and personal fitter for Jack Nicklaus; Gene Parente, president of Golf Laboratories, Inc. a testing facility used by the major equipment manufacturers; Jennifer King, KZG’s President; and Dr. Christian Reichardt, author and doctor of sports medicine and fitness.
Founded in 1994, KZG offers its equipment only through the finest retail facilities with qualified professional teachers and clubfitters on staff. KZG’s program of partnering with only the top professionals to fit its award-winning equipment has catapulted KZG to a position of prominance in customized golf equipment. KZG’s comprehensive selection of premium golf equipment allows the fitter to select the design features required to perfectly fit every golfer.
For more information, visit or call toll free (800) 200-8800 ext. 123 or (818) 762-3495 ext. 123.
To schedule your custom club fitting with Steve call Kirkpatrick Golf at (615) 760-5810 or visit our club fitting page for more information.