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Useful Information for GolfersFlexibility and Speed
A simple definition of flexibility is a lack of muscle tension. The more speed you desire the more important flexibility becomes. If you were going to throw a baseball a far distance you wouldn't stiffen your arm and wrist. If you wanted to walk faster you wouldn't...
Understanding what causes your ball to slice and hook
There are two clubhead factors that determine the direction of your ball flight. One is club path (the direction your club is traveling at impact), and the other is face angle ( the direction your face is pointing at impact) . Hooks and slices occur when the clubface...
Use the winter months to improve your game and equipment
Just because the winter weather limits the amount of golf you can play, it doesn't prevent you from improving your game. With the advent of indoor golf simulators the winter months are now a great time to improve your game. At Kirkpatrick Golf we have installed a new...
Hot melt and how it is used in golf clubs
Hot melt is like hot glue that you may have used at home on certain projects or repairs. The main difference is once hot melt has cooled it remains somewhat sticky and soft. There are three purposes to using hot melt with driver, fairway or hybrid clubheads. Remove...
Kirkpatrick Golf now a Ping Retailer
Kirkpatrick Golf is proud to announce we are now an authorized Ping Golf Retailer. " I chose to partner exclusively with Ping because of their reputation for quality engineered golf clubs, and dedication to players of all abilities" said Kirkpatrick who has over 30...
Consider the set make up when buying new clubs
The one factor players often overlook when purchasing new golf clubs is the set make up. They often accept and buy what clubs are included without considering their individual needs. Typically, most stock or off the rack sets of irons include 7 clubs, a 4 through PW...
Mythbusters: The shaft is the engine of the club
I often hear from customers and students the belief that the golf shaft is the engine of the golf swing. I can understand how they may think this especially with all the widespread technical information about shafts. When golfers are inundated with marketing jargon...
Mythbusters: I’m not good enough for custom clubs
I began custom fitting golf clubs in 1987. Since that time I have heard from many golfers that same phrase, "I'm not a good enough player to be fit for custom clubs. Only tour players and scratch handicaps should have their clubs custom fit". Nothing could be further...
What to expect when taking a Golf Lesson
My thirty-five years of experience teaching golfers has taught me there are generally two reasons people take golf lessons. One is they are new to the game and don’t want to develop bad habits. The other is an established player who is having a shot problem he or she...
Steve Kirkpatrick to begin teaching and clubfitting in early November
Steve Kirkpatrick, PGA Professional and owner of Kirkpatrick Golf will begin teaching and custom fitting in early November. We are installing a Foresight Sports Golf Simulator the last week in October. Steve has 35 years experience in teaching and custom fitting...
The importance of a custom fitted putter
Considering that putting is over 40% of the average player’s score, a properly fitted putter can have a significant effect in lowering their scores. The three custom putter specifications determined in a putter fitting are length, loft and lie. The correct putter...
What is Torque in a Golf Shaft?
Torque is a property of golf shafts that describes how much the shaft will rotate or twist during the golf swing. All shafts, steel and graphite exhibit torque which is measured in degrees typically from 2 to 5 degrees. A shaft with a lower torque rating means it will...